lunedì 2 aprile 2012


…. Volete fare la ghirlanda pasquale? Eccovi le istruzioni. Procuratevi dei rametti di pianta di cotone, filo in juta marrone scuro, filo in ferro o rami di vite. Avvolgete i rami formando un cerchio  e legateli per impedire che cambino forma. Inserite i rami di cotone e il filo di juta. Se non trovate i rami di cotone, io vi suggerisco di attaccare con la colla a caldo delle palline di cotone sui rami  semplici che hanno magari già alcuni quello che si tiene per emergenze… nessuno se ne accorgerà.

.... You want to make the wreath Easter? Here are the instructions. Get the sprigs of the cotton plant, jute yarn in dark brown, iron wire or vine branches. Wrap the branches into a circle and tie them to prevent that change shape. Place the branches of cotton and jute yarn. If you do not find the branches of cotton, I suggest you stick with the hot glue cotton balls on the branches simple or maybe already have some buds .. that is held for emergencies ... no one will notice.

picture form pinterest

Wrap the threads of raffia or straw to form a nest, then lean into the decorated eggs, or if you want to hang on the door you could expose it with a cloth or paper label that says "Happy Easter".

Wrap the threads of raffia or straw to form a nest, then lean into the decorated eggs, or if you want to hang on the door you could expose it with a cloth or paper label that says "Happy Easter".


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